Productivity enhancement - SBAL Orthopedic "Prof. B. Boychev"

Specialized Orthopedic University Hospital "Prof. B. Boychev" [SOUH] is a medical institution dedicated to treating patients suffering from limb, spine, and joint ailments. Apart from complex interventions dealing with a sudden injury, SOHU treats more than 3,000 patients yearly diagnosed with genetic and extrinsic orthopedic disorders. The institution falls under the Medical University of Sofia's academic umbrella and employs more than one hundred specialized medical staff. To maintain and improve the level of organization needed to support such a complex operation, the hospital requires a solid technical base. The newly-established IT infrastructure would allow the hospital to improve its organization and achieve its business goals.


As a prestigious university hospital operating nationally, SOUH must perform flawlessly in administration and organization. With this goal in mind, the institution's management has decided to embark on a comprehensive digital transformation journey to establish new technical capabilities and achieve a higher level of IT preparedness. By doing so, SOUH's leadership hopes to meet legal and security regulations and emerging protocols regarding data management, patient care, and academic research.


As with any organization of such scale and importance, we began work on the project with a GAP analysis. Talking to decision-makers is always the first thing to do. We learned from them that the administrative side of things is a priority. With this in mind, we focused on the hardware systems and the software applications managing the flow and organization of labor. We then moved on to more specific branches, such as accounting, expenses, scheduling, and clerical work. Once we analyzed the administration side of things, we moved to operations. These included the examination of apps used by the medical staff for laboratory management, patient management, radiology, and more. Third on our list was finances. Essential questions were about where the hospital has invested its resources and how management spends money on operational activities. As we found the answers, we were able to establish a reference architecture, which determined our starting as well as our finish point. The final product was a roadmap for an extensive overhaul of the organization through IT capabilities.

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