National Registry Digitalization - The Bulgarian Medical Association

The Bulgarian Medical Association [BMA] is a non-governmental organization and one of the world's first professional organizations for medical doctors. It aims to promote and protect the interests of the Bulgarian medical community.

Every medical worker who has obtained practicing rights in Bulgaria must be registered in the BMA to be legally entitled to perform medical activities. The registry stores valuable information such as the practitioner's education, experience, and field of expertise.


Bulgaria's National Health Insurance Fund [NHIF] uses the BMA registry to track all medical activities and payments associated with medical professionals. The assigned doctor with the right to handle the corresponding disease endorses patient treatment. That is to say, a gastroenterologist must be registered with the BMA to legally issue a medical prescription for a stomach ulcer or order hospitalization in case the patient's condition worsens. The National Health Information System [NHIS] monitors these processes, but the BMA registry certifies their legality. In addition, medical universities must be able to efficiently feed information into the BMA to legitimize the right of newly graduated doctors to practice their profession. The traditional way of submitting this critical but disparate information to the registry requires manual work and top-down validation. Furthermore, feeding it into the relevant institutions can often be riddled with inconsistencies. As a result, such activities require time and attention and are therefore prone to human error. Some of the main risks were: - Human error in inputting data - inaccuracies, misunderstandings, spelling mistakes - Data manipulation [intentional data alteration] - Failed validation - cases related to misplaced data or delayed verification duties To ensure a reliable, risk-free process of recording and sharing data, the BMA requires a digital solution to secure integration with universities and external national resources.


The interwoven nature of the challenge required us to take a multi-layered approach. The main objective was to digitize the registry. However, optimizing data transfer between the BMA and the NHIF, NHIS, and the country's medical universities was equally important. We applied four main solutions. Digitalization of the BMA registry Integration with medical universities Web application for tracking medical workers across the country Integration with external national resources - NHIF, NHIS and the country's medical universities was equally important. We applied four main solutions.

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